
I got to work on Fox television’s “Monarch” TV series about a family of country music legends as secrets and drama unfolds. Although regrettably cancelled, it featured some fantastic original songs and covers interspersed throughout, performed by the cast of talented musicians and singers, including Susan Sarandon and Trace Adkins, Anna Friel and others. There were lots of interesting things to work on especially including lots of renderings and previz to help sell the stage setups and motion graphics.




The First Lady – Michelle

This is the first of three blocks for an amazing showtime tv series about notable first ladies throughout history. This one featuring Michelle Obama. There was lots of interest here, of not lots of large convention graphics, some detailed dimensional seals. The production designer Tony Fanning was great to work with and the art directors were all top notch. It was an excellent experience, albeit an extremely intense one.

Instant Family, P-Valley, Outsider

A year ago I had the pleasure of working with some talented Graphic designers on a few side-projects for various networks. Although it wasn’t for very long in each instance, I had a blast and got to make some interesting work! I’ve included a bunch of portfolio items from each below!

American Gothic Painting

For MacGyver The producers wanted an American Gothic style painting that could be in a dream sequence to add a sense of surrealism to a scene. I had the idea of adding a lightbulb instead of a pitchfork, and I reconstructed an abstract scene with stock imagery. While the general composition is similar, all elements were original. To add a painted-look I did a combination of filters, smudging and paint-over to achieve an interesting, textured effect. It was printed on canvas and the painters did a transparent paint-over to add some additional depth. The producer liked it so much he insisted we send him the original for the writers room. See below for a short video showing the different layers.

Here’s how it looked on set

Here’s a video clip showing the layers:


Irresisitble Film Graphics

Trying something different here. I thought I’d just include a smattering of graphics from the project to show the breadth of the project, rather than organizing by type of item. The Film Irresistible was great fun to work on and the script was very funny. I was very proud of my work on it and I was glad to meet Jon Stewart who was essentially the news, back when I was in college.

Photo Composites – Additional

Photo Comps can be one of the most frustrating and difficult aspects of Graphic design. They basically involve inserting an actor into a different background of some kind, except the actors photos are often artistic, low-rez or otherwise taken in not-ideal situations, and I’m tasked with making them fit into a background, often not of my choosing. Over the years I’ve come to a pretty strong understanding of how to make them look as good as possible, and I’ve included a number of them here, but sometimes it’s just luck that the lighting conditions happen to match.

Here’s a small gallery of some recent comps.

Belinda Trophy Wall Photo Composites

To make Principal Belinda appear super qualified for her position, we had to make a ton of credentials and photo composites of her life. All were shot on green-screen and manually composited into existing photographs.

Photo Compositing – Misc

Here’s an assortment of photo composites that I’ve made for various shows. Some for Set Dec and some for inserts. They reflect a range of techniques and processes. There’s multiple old photos we had to match to different backgrounds, new photography to blend into old photos, and taking original photos and manipulating them in various ways to achieve story points.

There’s finesse, artistic knowledge and creativity in putting these together. They definitely need planning to make work right, but can be done successfully.